The difference between bare PCB and zero PCB

NEW CHIP17/01/2024516

In the field of electronic manufacturing, printed circuit boards (PCBs) play a crucial role, and the two important stages are bare boards and finished boards. These two terms represent different stages and features in the PCB manufacturing process. This article will delve into these two concepts, explain their differences and their role in electronic device manufacturing.


Bare board: the foundation of manufacturing

Bare PCB, also known as bare PCB, is an intermediate product in PCB manufacturing. This is an unassembled original PCB that only contains the basic elements of a printed circuit board, such as wires, solder pads, interlayer connections, etc. Bare board is the starting point of PCB manufacturing, but it cannot be directly applied to electronic devices. It needs to go through a subsequent assembly process to become a usable circuit board.

The manufacturing of bare boards involves multiple steps, including design, material selection, printing, etching, hole copper, surface treatment, etc. The key goal of this stage is to ensure that the basic structure and circuit layout of the PCB meet the design requirements, creating conditions for subsequent assembly.

Finished board: the end point of assembly

Finished board, also known as assembly board, is the product of bare board after undergoing process steps such as component installation and welding. It contains all necessary electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, etc., and can be directly applied to the manufacturing of electronic devices. The finished board undergoes precise assembly technology, making the PCB a complete and usable circuit board.

In the manufacturing process of finished boards, engineers need to accurately install each component according to design requirements and perform welding to ensure stable connections. This process is commonly referred to as Surface Mount Technology (SMT) or Through Hole Technology (THT), depending on the packaging type of the component.

The connection between bare board and finished board

There is a close relationship between bare boards and finished boards. Bare boards provide a customizable platform for designers to achieve their circuit layout and functional requirements. Once the bare board manufacturing is completed, it enters the assembly stage by accurately installing various components onto the bare board, ultimately forming a finished board.


In the PCB industry, bare boards and finished boards represent two key stages in the PCB manufacturing process. Bare boards are the original form of circuit boards, while finished boards are usable products assembled with components. Understanding the differences between these two concepts helps to better understand the complexity of PCB manufacturing and also promotes innovation and development in electronic devices.

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